
Discount Roof | Valparaiso Roofing Contractor

Leaking Roof? Here are the Pros & Cons of Patching Your Roof


Do you have a leaking roof? Don’t worry – the team at Discount Roof is here to help! A leaky roof can be troublesome for a number of reasons, and it’s definitely something you should take care of right away.

In this article, we will discuss how to identify a leaking roof and what you can do to fix it. From patching your roof to replacing it, there are many options.

leaking roof leaves wet spot on ceilings

Here Are 5 Signs Your Roof is Leaking

Let’s start by identifying some of the indications that you may have a leak in your roof. From water spots to audible dripping, a leaky roof often gives many signs that it needs attention.

Here are some of the most common signs of a leaking roof:

  • Water spots on your walls & ceilings
  • Missing or damaged shingles
  • Wet areas in your attic
  • Mold growth in your walls, ceilings, attic, etc.
  • Dripping noises during/after rain

In the early stages of a leak, you may just hear the drip…drip…drip during a rainstorm. But as the leak progresses, you will see wet spots forming on your ceilings and upper walls. Then, this moisture leads to the growth of hazardous mold inside of your home. Though small leaks can seem trivial at first, they can quickly progress into serious complications for your home.

What Can You Do About a Leaking Roof?

Once you have identified a leaking roof based on some of the above signs, you should act quickly. Even the smallest leak can quickly progress into something more sinister. A leaky roof commonly leads to mold growth, roof damage, and structural complications for your home.

To avoid costly repairs and hazardous health conditions, a roof leak must quickly be repaired. Whether you opt for patching your roof or calling in the professionals for a roof replacement, a leaking roof should be dealt with right away. So, let’s dive into what you can do about a roof leak.

1. Identify the Location of Your Roof Leak

If you have noticed some of the problems that we addressed in the previous section (water spots, dripping sounds, mold growth, etc.), then you may be suspecting a roof leak. The first step in resolving this is to identify the source of your leak. If you are able, you can safely climb into your attic or onto your roof to look for evidence of weakened areas. But if you are unable to do this yourself, you will need to call in a skilled roofer for a roof inspection.

When looking for the source of your leaky roof, you will need to check for several signs. These include a visible drip, wet areas inside of your attic, and missing or damaged shingles. If you find an area inside of your attic that appears to be leaking, you can measure the distance from a fixed object (such as a chimney or ventilation hole) to your leak inside, then use this distance on top of your roof to identify the problem area.

2. Call in a Reliable Roofer for a Roof Inspection

Whether you are able to identify the problem yourself or not, it is always best to call in a roofing company for an honest and reliable roof inspection. Roofing professionals are skilled and able to safely examine your roof for signs of wear and tear. Then, they can provide you with a thorough explanation and recommendation for roof repair.

3. Follow the Recommendations from Your Roofing Team

Once you have called a roofing contractor, they will provide you with a recommended plan of action as well as an estimate for their services. As long as you choose an honest and dependable roofer (such as the team at Discount Roof), you can trust that they are giving you a fair assessment.

At Discount Roof, we never hassle you into a service that you don’t need. If a quick patch will do the trick, we’ll be up front. If you are in need of a more extensive repair or even a roof replacement, we will give you the most appropriate service at the most affordable pricing. You can be confident that you’re getting the best with our team on your side.

In short, when you have a leaking roof, there are a few vital steps that you should take. If you can discern the general location of your leak, that’s great! If not, your trusted roofers are here to help. Regardless, contact your local roofing company as soon as possible so that your leaky roof can be mended before it escalates into a more serious complication.

patching your roof

How Does Roof Patching Differ from Roof Repairs & Replacements?

While roof patching is a type of repair, it differs from traditional roof repair in a few ways. Most often, a patching job is only used when there is a very small leak with minimal damage. While patching your roof, the damaged shingles will be removed and the area will be fitted with new roofing materials. This acts as a comparatively cheap way to mend a roof leak.

In contrast, many roof repairs are completed with more extensive efforts. These projects may require the removal and disposal of more roofing materials, as well as the replacement of the given section of your roof. Typically, these jobs are bigger than a patch but are still more affordable than a roof replacement.

Roof replacement is the complete removal of your old roof, followed by the installation of a new one. During this process, all of the materials that make up your roof will be removed and replaced. This ensures a seamless, dependable repair. However, roof replacement is more costly than other repair methods.

The best way to determine which repair process is the best for your roof is to call a reliable roofer, such as the team at Discount Roof. While you may lean toward patching your roof, it may not be the best, most sustainable, or most affordable option in the end.

The Pros & Cons of Patching Your Roof                                                 

Because roof repair can be expensive, many homeowners look for cheaper solutions. Unfortunately, cheap doesn’t usually mean better. Let’s explore some of the pros and cons of patching your roof.

    • Pro: It’s a cost-effective way to repair a leaking roof.
    • Con: This fix may not be effective and can lead to worsening leaks that are then more expensive in the long run.
    • Pro: Patching prevents further leaking in the short-term.
    • Con: Over time, this patched area can become weakened and lead to further leaking.
    • Pro: It’s a quick solution when you’re facing a leaky roof.
    • Con: This solution may not last as long as professional roof repair or replacements, meaning you’ll have to turn to additional repairs before long.

Some homeowners may choose to patch their roof. This can be done effectively in some instances, but it can lead to additional problems in other situations. When you are in a bind and need a quick and affordable repair, patching your roof may be your short-term solution. However, in the end, it’s always best to call in the professionals and schedule a thorough roof repair or roof replacement.

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Call in Your Experts for Roof Repair!

Whether you need a quick roof repair or a comprehensive roof replacement, the team at Discount Roof is here to help! We deliver honest and dependable roof inspections to homeowners throughout Indiana, and we’re ready to help today.

If you have a leaky roof, call the professionals roofers of Discount Roof. We’ve got you covered – literally!