
Discount Roof | Valparaiso Roofing Contractor

Look for These 5 Common Summer Roofing Problems This Year


It’s finally summer time! The sun is out; the air is warm. You can finally enjoy the pool, the beach, and everything else you missed over the winter. But, how does the summer time affect your home? The changing weather brings many new considerations for your roof, siding, windows, and more.

In this article, we will discuss several common summer roofing problems, how to prevent them, and what you can do if you start to notice these issues. Read on to learn more!

summer roofing problems

Here are the Most Common Summer Roofing Problems

It’s vital to protect your roof all year round. In the winter, you face issues with freezing temperatures, snow accumulation, and ice dams. But the summer brings many additional issues. From storms to the hot sun, you can face many summer roofing problems. Let’s take a look at the main concerns for your roof this season:

1. Storm Damage

As the heat of the summer moves in, storms are very common throughout Indiana. These storms bring excessive winds, hail, rain, and more. All of these can contribute to serious summer roofing problems.

Hail can lead to denting and breaking of your roofing materials, which leads to leaks. Wind can loosen and dislodge your shingles, leaving your roof exposed to the elements. Excessive rain can penetrate through your roofing materials and cause leaking in your attic, ceilings, walls, and more. Overall, storms can be unpredictable and cause many concerns for your home.

2. Excessive Heat in the Attic

When the temperatures rise outside, so does the temperature in your attic space. Unfortunately, excessive temperatures can be detrimental to your roofing materials and your home itself. The heat and direct sun can warp your shingles, decking, and other roofing materials.

In addition, warmer temperatures lead to mold growth, especially if you have a leak in your roof. Even the smallest leak can let in enough water to facilitate mold and mildew growth underneath your roof, as well as in your attic, ceilings, walls, and more.

3. Poor Ventilation

Oftentimes, inadequate ventilation systems rear their heads in the summer. Because humidity is high and temperatures are warm, ventilation is essential throughout the summer months. Roof ventilation points allow temperature and moisture content to regulate in your attic.

With improper ventilation, you can face mold growth, damaged roofing materials, moisture accumulation, poor temperature control, and more.

4. Shingle Damage

Direct sun exposure can dry the oils in your shingles, leading to cracking and breakage. The shingles may also bend and warp. All of these problems create undesirable holes and weak points in your roofing materials. 

Unfortunately, this weakening leads to leaks, which causes further complications, such as mold growth inside your home and in your roofing materials. Because the sun is more direct and warmer in the summer, these problems are more common.

5. Animal Nesting

Because animals are mating and nesting throughout the spring and early summer months, they may make a home on your roof. It’s common to find nesting in gutters, on the roof, and in the attic. While the baby animals may be cute, wild animals can be devastating to your home’s health.

From scratching at your roofing materials and destroying insulation to blocking drainage and causing moisture accumulation, nesting animals can wreak havoc on your roof. To prevent this, you should call in professionals right away to have any nests removed before damage ensues.

The summer brings many new concerns for your roof. From damage by direct sun and hot temperatures to animal nests, it’s vital you have your roof inspected to check for any budding complications.

How Can You Prevent Roof Damage This Summer?

While the summer does bring complications, it doesn’t mean your roof is in trouble. By scheduling routine maintenance and providing adequate care, you can avoid roof repair and replacements this summer.

Here are some of the ways to avoid summer roofing problems:

  1. Schedule a Roofing Inspection: The best way to avoid costly repairs is with regular roof inspections. These allow quick identification and simple repairs of any problems that may be developing on your roof. 
  2. Have Any Damage Quickly Repaired: If you’ve got a problem, whether it’s an animal nest or cracked shingles, you’ll want to repair it quickly. Rapid intervention results in lower repair costs.
  3. Perform Regular Roof Maintenance: Always ensure your gutters are clean, your ventilation systems are intact, and your roof looks healthy overall. When you perform routine maintenance, you can prevent future roof repairs.
  4. Check Your Roof After Any Storms or Other Events: If there’s been a strong storm or a limb fell on your roof, make sure you have it inspected quickly. The sooner the inspection, the quicker you can resolve any problems. This means you can fix it before it gets worse and more expensive.
  5. Install Appropriate Roofing Materials: Whether you’re undergoing a roof replacement or building a new home, always use roofing materials that are appropriate for your climate. By using proper roofing materials, you can prevent summer roofing problems (as well as year-round ones!).

In short, you should always make sure you take care of your roof. All year, your roof is subjected to the weather. In the summer, this means direct heat and sun rays. But with regular inspections and upkeep, you can avoid costly repairs.

What to do About Summer Roofing Problems

Have you noticed a roof leak, mold growth, cracked shingles, or something else? Act fast! Whether it’s the summer time or another season, quick responses are the best way to prevent costly repair bills.

When you are facing a roofing problem, make sure to call in your local roofing expert – like the team at Discount Roof! Your local roofer will provide you with a comprehensive inspection, as well as recommendations for the necessary repairs.

Don’t wait because roofing problems quickly get worse! The sooner you face the problem, the less damage it will likely cause. Reach out to Discount Roof today if you have any questions, and our roofing team would be glad to help.

process of roof replacement; roofing services

Overview of Roofing Problems in the Summertime

With the summer comes the sun and heat. While these can be enjoyable for going to the beach or hanging out by the pool, the warmth and direct rays can be devastating for your roof. You may be faced with storm damage, cracking shingles, excessive heat in your attic, poor ventilation, or animals nesting. These can all cause extensive damage and lead to leaks and mold growth in your home.

To prevent the issues associated with your roof in the summer, you should schedule regular roof maintenance and inspections. You should also select the proper roofing materials for your area so that your roof is adequately protected year-round. Lastly, if any damage does occur, correct it quickly before it has a chance to worsen

Overall, the summer affects your roof differently than other seasons. But, with appropriate maintenance and care, your roof will protect your home all year long.

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Call Discount Roof for Summer Roofing Care!

Whether you are dealing with a summer roofing problem or just need a roof inspection, Discount Roof can help! We have trained and experienced teams throughout Indiana, and we are ready to serve you today. Call our roofers for exceptional roof inspections, roof repair, roof replacementgutter maintenanceattic insulation, and other roofing services. We look forward to working with you!